Rent Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (1996)
3.9 of 5 from 71 ratings
2h 3min
Set in different times zones found it difficult to follow and to realise who was who (boy to man etc)
. Probably would have helped if I was au fait with the different ethnic groups involved in the Yugoslav war
Did not watch to the end as I had lost the plot.
I had been waiting for this film for a while as I searched for something that related to what was termed "the war in yugoslavia".
A really complex film to watch with 4 time periods used in rapid flash back/forward in the early stages making it difficult to relate eg boy to man.
At times played out as a comedy or was it irony?
Unbalanced perhaps in that the Serbs seemed to dominate the actors and perhaps because of that we never really get under the skin of WHY?