Film Reviews by BE

Welcome to BE's film reviews page. BE has written 272 reviews and rated 271 films.

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(Edit) 16/06/2016

Brie Larsen deservedly won best actress academy award for this movie. Her co-star, Jacob Tremblay, is also hugely impressive. No intrusive background music and non mawkish, this Candian/Irish production is well worth viewing. It's based on a work of fiction but there have been like scenarios in real life. The author of the book apparently based this story on a real life incident.

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Dad's Army

Go see

(Edit) 26/05/2016

A delightful British comedy, devoid of expletives and a joy to watch. Simple story line held together by excellent acting by the numerous celebrity cast list. Michael Gambon, Toby Jones and Bill Nighy can do no wrong. Catherine Zeta Jones has also matured into a lovely actress, excelling with tongue in cheek scenarios. I had never watched the tv series of Dad's Army so was not acquainted with the characters. This is a stand alone movie anyway.

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Bombay Beach

Not too good

(Edit) 26/04/2016

Not sure what I expected from this but found it quite tedious. There were some subtitles periodically displayed. It would have been helpful to have had full facility of this due to the slurred diction of many of the participants. Although it was a documentary, some of the scenes appeared to be contrived. Not many Dylan songs, so disappointment there as well.

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In a Better World


(Edit) 23/04/2016

The story is triggered by two school boys being bullied by their peers and two adults doing the same thing. To fight or to turn the other cheek? Both scenarios have a point. Unfortunately, the turning of the cheek by one of the adults has fearsome repercussions on the two young friends. One of these is unable to deal with school bullies and is being affected by the breakdown of his parents' union. The other is suffering grief from the demise of his mother. Unfortunately, this has manifested itself into his becoming unforgiving and presenting violent behaviour due to his repressed emotions. Watchable but felt that the desert scenes around one of the adults (a doctor) tending wounded African refugees were unnecessary and made the film too long. The acting by the two school friends was faultless.

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The Deep

An ungushing presentation.

(Edit) 20/04/2016

A nicely crafted presentation of a man caught in a real life catastrophe at sea, saved by his body fat. There's a plus to everything! Olafur Olafsson deserved his wages for going thru what must have been a very gruelling time making this movie. I was quite taken with his acting skills when I saw him in the recent Icelandic television series 'Trapped'. A very natural actor. He didn't disappoint.

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Open Hearts


(Edit) 19/04/2016

Masterful production from Susanne Bier around the frailty of the human condition. Engrossing and superbly acted by the whole cast.

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99 Homes

What price bricks and mortar

(Edit) 01/04/2016

Sadly, I could not get the subtitle facility to work. I got the gist of it but American slurred diction being what it is, missed half of the dialogue. As usual, the bad language came thru loud and clear. I quite enjoyed the movie but yes, one of the main leads looking like Andy Murray, was disconcerting!

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Very watchable

(Edit) 01/04/2016

Clever little film around the dynamics between two opposing soldiers who gradually manage to put their conflict aside whilst living in the house of a pacifist. So beautifully acted, it's like being a fly on the wall in somebody's house.

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Slow West

Slow West for a Slow Brain

(Edit) 19/03/2016

What a very silly film. One star for the scenery. Apart from that, very missable with a storyline beyond belief.

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Listen to Me Marlon

Watchable for Brando fans

(Edit) 17/03/2016

After the creepy opening sequence, the film ambles along at a slow pace with Brando presenting as a contrariwise personality. I was surprised to learn that he had actually recorded this as he lived his life. Not very much on the personal front ie girlfriends, wives etc. Mainly centred around his acting career. The bits touching on the alcohol issues of his parents and the demise of his offspring are really quite sad. Whatever his view of himself, it doesn't detract from his being one of the best actors of the twentieth century. If you like him then you should like this.

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(Edit) 17/03/2016

Wide eyed rabbit stares, lavish attire, stately shuffles and everything dust free does not make a good movie. Loosely based on fact is it? It didn't enthuse me in the slightest.

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A Walk in the Woods

Easy to watch

(Edit) 02/03/2016

Not a lot of substance but cheery viewing played out by two well seasoned actors. I'm not sure this adventure could be undertaken by one man in his late 70s (NH) and the other nearly 80 (RR) but there we go. It is Hollywood! At least the craggy Mr Redford hasn't succumbed to Botox and still maintains a face with character.

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What's all the fuss about?

(Edit) 26/02/2016

Seen at the cinema. Although it is well crafted, I found the movie to be plain, tedious and ultimately depressing. It may be that I can relate the scenario to a period in my own life. Julie Walters just plays Julie Walters. I am not a fan.

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The Lady in the Van


(Edit) 26/02/2016

Seen at the cinema. Predictable stuff but Maggie Smith is always a joy to watch. Nobody does 'put down' expressions like her. Brilliant acting with the lady in tatty and soiled clothing still maintaining an air of dignity from an earlier lifestyle. Alex Jennings also exceptional as Alan Bennett.

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The Gift

Surprisingly good

(Edit) 16/02/2016

A gripping, insidious movie that builds tension throughout. It would be good to have a sequel to see if past sins can be atoned for. Only thing, why did Joel Edgerton have to sport such a bad 'syrup' and why wear a wig at all?!

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