The plot of 'Darkness Falls' revolves around the ghostly tale of Matilda Dixon, an eccentric old woman who, in the 1850s, lived in the New England town of Darkness Falls. Matilda was well known to the local children for her habit of paying them for teeth they'd lost, but when two of the towns' children mysteriously disappeared, Matilda was lynched by an angry mob of locals who were convinced that she had murdered them. In the present day, a former resident of Darkness Falls, Kyle Walsh, lives in Las Vegas and is still desperately afraid of the dark since a childhood run in with the ghost of Matilda Dixon left him severely traumatized. While everyone laughed off Kyle's stories about Matilda's spirit, his childhood friend Caitlin is alarmed when her young brother Michael begins having nightmares very much like those which haunted Kyle. Like Kyle, Michael has little luck convincing others that the white robed spectre he sees in the dark is real, so Caitlin asks Kyle to return to Darkness Falls to help get to the bottom of his story. The thing about this film is that it has a great plot, and could have been a classic, but unfortunately after a great opening 15 minutes the story kind of fizzles out and goes flat. Another problem is that there seems to be gaps in the story which pretty much kills of any suspense and leaves you guessing as to what's happening. If you like no-brainer horror thrillers then there are worse films out there, but if you're expecting something scary then I would give this a miss.