Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and the rest of The Looney Tunes are Back In Action in this live action, animation adventure. Daffy Duck, tired of playing second fiddle to Bugs, quits the Hollywood Studio and teams up with ex-stuntman Bobby Delmont (Brendan Fasier) in a mission to rescue Bobby's father Damian Drake (Timothy Dalton) from the evil chairman of the Acme Corporation (Steve Martin). It seems Damian knows there whereabouts of a mysterious and powerful blue diamond and the Chairman will do anything to get his hands on it. Daffy and Bobby attempt to outsmart the evil Acme stooges, whilst being chased by VP of Comedy (Jenna Elfman) and Bugs - who need Daffy back at the studio. Our heroes embark on a hilarious adventure that takes them from Hollywood to Las Vegas, Paris and the jungles of Africa where they must find the mythical blue diamond and return to Hollywood.
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