Rent Metropolis (1927)

4.0 of 5 from 303 ratings
2h 30min
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  • General info
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Shortly after that 1927 release, an entire quarter of Lang's original version was cut by Paramount for the US release, and by Ufa in Germany, an act of butchery very much against the director's wishes. The excised footage was believed lost, irretrievably so - that is, until one of the most remarkable finds in all of cinema history, as several dusty reels were discovered in a small museum in Buenos Aires. Argentina in 2008. Since then, an expert team of film archivists has been working at the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung in Germany to painstakingly reconstruct and restore Lang's film.
, , , , , , , , , , Olly Boeheim, , Ellen Frey, Beatrice Garga, , , Anny Hintze, , Walter Kuehle, Margarete Lanner
Thea von Harbou
Classics, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
10 Films to Watch if You Like Blade Runner, 100 Years of German Expressionism, Battleship Potemkin At 100, Film History, Films to Watch If You Like..., Masters of Cinema, Science Fiction & Fantasy, The Best Post-Apocalyptic or Dystopian Films, The Instant Expert's Guide, The Instant Expert's Guide to: Fritz Lang, The Instant Expert's Guide: to Tim Burton, Top 10 Best Last Films: World Cinema, Top 10 European Remakes, Top Films, What to Watch Next If You Liked Dracula
Release Date:
Run Time:
150 minutes
German Dolby Digital 2.0, German Dolby Digital 5.1, Silent
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
B & W
  • New 2010 symphony orchestra studio recording of the original Gottfired Huppertz score
  • Full-length audio commentary by David Kalat and Jonathan Rosenbaum
  • Die Reise nach Metropolis documentary about the film
  • 2010 re-release trailer
Release Date:
Run Time:
150 minutes
German DTS 5.1, German DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, Silent
English, German
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
B & W
  • New 2010 symphony orchestra studio recording of the original Gottfried Huppertz score
  • Full-length audio commentary by David Kalat and Jonathan Rosenbaum
  • Die Reise nach Metropolis (2010, 55 minutes) documentary about the film
  • 2010 re-release trailer

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Reviews (4) of Metropolis

deservably a classic - Metropolis review by Karrie

Spoiler Alert

Visually stunning and eerie social commentary on the future - I love both the innocence and cynicism of this film. There is an audio commentary available with this that I found fascinating and annoying in equal measures. However, you can watch the film twice!

I wish I'd borrowed the Disc 2 now...

The visual impact is so great that it kept my 5 and 7 year old enthralled, though they were "peturbed" by 45 minutes in!

4 out of 4 members found this review helpful.

Silent Dystopia. - Metropolis review by Steve

Spoiler Alert

Fritz Lang's science fiction epic was way ahead of its time and its set design and state of the art effects still look sensational. This is an art deco metropolis of the future, from the pristine skyscrapers where the decadent heirs of the wealthy frolic at leisure. To the underworld where the workers toil like human machines.

Control is maintained by a corporate oligarchy through surveillance. Gustav Fröhlich plays the son of the chief administrator, who falls in love with the leader of the resistance (Brigitte Helm). Could he be the mediator the rebels are waiting for, to bring the two worlds together? The politics are crucial to the interwar period; the need to connect the division between capital and labour.

The story was written by Lang's wife, Thea von Harbou, who became an enthusiastic fascist. And it's easy to understand the Nazis' fascination with this film and its theme of political destiny. But it is principally a '20's blockbuster, which became hugely influential within cinema and the wider culture. There are many legendary scenes, like the creation of the man-machine (also Helm).

As new prints have been discovered, the running time has been extended. It's now restored to the original 150 minutes. Maybe it's time for a trim! The last third is spectacular, but doesn't add much to our understanding, and is too melodramatic. The political theme is still relevant. However, its greatness stands on the most impressive vision of a futureworld in cinema.

3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.

Metropolis - Metropolis review by PH

Spoiler Alert

Essential viewing to see all the early strands and connections of later films and writing.

Particularly for George Orwells 1984

I would watch again.

Obviously the silent acting is over the top in todays values but if you can accept that, then enjoy the restored version.

I agree with the Review by Karrie, that the commentary was a bit confusing.

We watched it twice, once with and once without.

3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.

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