Jennifer Corvino (Jennifer Connelly), daughter of a world-renowned movie star, arrives in the so-called "Swiss Transylvania" to attend an exclusive girls' school. However, a vicious killer is targeting the pupils, and sleepwalker Jennifer finds herself in the assassin's headlights when her nocturnal wanderings cause her to witness the death of a fellow pupil. Aided by paraplegic entomologist John McGregor (Donald Pleasence) and her own uncanny ability to communicate telepathically with insects, Jennifer sets out to track down the killer before she herself becomes the latest victim...
English Dolby Digital Stereo, Italian Dolby Digital 2.0
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.66:1
BLU-RAY Regions:
(0) All
Dario's Monkey Business: The Making of Phenomena - A 50 minute long documentary featuring interviews with key talent behind the film including director Dario Argento, star Daria Nicolodi, underwater photographer Gianlorenzo Battaglia and more!
Music for Maggots - An Interview with composer Claudio Simonetti
Creepers for Creatures - Sergio Stivaletti live Q&A sessions from Dublin and Edinburgh
Release Date:
Run Time:
116 minutes
English DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 Mono, English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, Italian DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 Mono, Italian DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, Italian DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
English, English Hard of Hearing
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.66:1
BLU-RAY Regions:
Audio commentary by Troy Howarth, author of 'Murder by Design: The Unsane Cinema of Dario Argento'
'Of Flies and Maggots', a feature-length 2017 documentary produced for Arrow Films, including interviews with co-writer/producer/director Dario Argento, actors Fiore Argento, Davide Marotta, Daria Nicolodi and Fiorenza Tessari, co-writer Franco Ferrini, cinematographer Romano Albani, production manager Angelo lacono, special optical effects artist Luigi Cozzi, special makeup effects artist Sergio Stivaletti, makeup artist Pier Antonio Mecacci, underwater camera operator Gianlorenzo Battaglia, and composers Claudio Simonetti and Simon Boswell
Original Italian and international theatrical trailers
"Jennifer" music video, directed by Dario Argento
Japanese pressbook gallery
Audio commentary on the international version by Argento scholar and author Derek Botelho and film historian, journalist and radio/television commentator David Del Valle
The Three Sarcophagi, a visual essay by Arrow producer Michael Mackenzie comparing the different cuts of Phenomena
Rare alternate 2.0 stereo mix on the international version, featuring different sound effects and music cues
US theatrical trailer
US radio spots
Disc 1:
This disc includes the following:
- Italian Version
- Special Features
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following:
- International and "Creepers" Versions
- Special Features
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