Baffling...intriguing...offbeat...unpredictable: sixteen curious cases from the files of Adam Strange. Criminologist Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) takes on the cases that are too difficult, delicate or politically sensitive for Scotland Yard. With the assistance of forensic expert Ham Gynt (Kaz Garas) and pretty young artist Evelyn McClaine (Anneke Wills), Strange unravels some of London's most complicated crimes...
"Interview with Anneke Wills": Roger Lloyd Pack, whose father Charles played Professor Marks in the series, joins Anneke on a stroll through some of the London locations used in Strange Report and talks to her about the series, her career, and life in London in the swinging sixties
"Interview with Kaz Garas": From his home in Portland, Oregon, Kaz Garas recalls his time in England in 1968 working on 'Strange Report'
"From the Archive": Generic and episode-specific trailers, textless background material, clean Main and End titles, Commercial Break Bumpers, a compilation of textless footage and rushes, and the US edits for Skeleton - Let Sleeping Heroes Lie
"Restoring Strange Report': A visual demonstration of the techniques used to produce possibly the best ever pictures of an archive television series
"Photographic Material": A vast selection of mostly unseen ITC stills set to Roger Webbís original music score for Strange Report (from the recently discovered studio tapes), merchandise and Kaz Garasí On-Set Gallery ñ candid photographs taken during filming by the series co-star
"PDF Material": Original script PDFs for Heart - No Choice for the Donor and Skeleton - Let Sleeping Heroes Lie, alongside both the ITC and NBC Strange Report promotional brochures
Disc 1:
This disc includes the following episodes: - Report 4407: Heart - No Choice for the Donor - Report 1553: Racist - A Most Dangerous Proposal - Report 0649: Skeleton - Let Sleeping Heroes Lie - Report 5055: Cult - Murder Shrieks Out
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following episodes: - Report 2493: Kidnap - Whose Pretty Girl Are You? - Report 7931: Sniper - When Is Your Cousin Not? - Report 3424: Epidemic - A Most Curious Crime - Report 4977: Swindle - Square Root of Evil
Disc 3:
This disc includes the following episodes: - Report 2475: Revenge - When a Man Hates - Report 3906: Cover Girls - Last Year's Model - Report 4821: X-Ray - Who Weeps for the Doctor? - Report 8944: Hand - A Matter of Witchcraft
Disc 4:
This disc includes the following episodes: - Report 8319: Grenade - What Price Change? - Report 1021: Shrapnel - The Wish in the Dream - Report 2641: Hostage - If You Won't Learn, Die! - Report 0846: Lonely Hearts - Who Killed Dan Cupid?
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