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Don't Look Up (2021)

3.5 of 5 from 130 ratings
2h 20min
Not released
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Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence), an astronomy grad student, and her professor Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) make an astounding discovery of a comet orbiting within the solar system. The problem - it's on a direct collision course with Earth. The other problem? No one really seems to care. Turns out warning mankind about a planet-killer the size of Mount Everest is an inconvenient fact to navigate. With the help of Dr.
Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan), Kate and Randall embark on a media tour that takes them from the office of an indifferent President Orlean (Meryl Streep) and her sycophantic son and Chief of Staff, Jason (Jonah Hill), to the airwaves of The Daily Rip, an upbeat morning show hosted by Brie (Cate Blanchett) and Jack (Tyler Perry). With only six months until the comet makes impact, managing the 24-hour news cycle and gaining the attention of the social media obsessed public before it's too late proves shockingly comical - what will it take to get the world to just look up?.
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Adam McKay, Kevin J. Messick
Narrated By:
Liev Schreiber
Adam McKay, David Sirota
Hank Corwin, Nicholas Britell, Kevin Messick
Action & Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Release Date:
Not released
Run Time:
140 minutes

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Reviews (2) of Don't Look Up

Interesting Satire - Don't Look Up review by GI

Spoiler Alert

An entertaining satire from director Adam McKay that cleverly examines the state and ridiculousness of modern political ideologies, media and celebrities all wrapped up in a disaster/apocalyptic narrative. Jennifer Lawrence is a young astronomy student studying under the always anxious Professor Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio). They discover a comet that is on a collision course for the Earth but become increasingly frustrated that the President (Meryl Streep) and media, in the guise of Cate Blanchett, treat it as a political problem they need to bury in order to secure reelection and to increase TV ratings. Super rich media guru Peter Isherwell (Mark Rylance) sees it as an opportunity to try and get richer. The US administration is portrayed as a Trumpian band of self serving fools but as dangerous to the very future of humanity. In this regard the film is a bit of a blunt instrument and it could've benefited from a few more laughs. But with its depictions of a society obsessed with image, mobile phones and where people will believe anything despite clear evidence to the contrary. When the comet is clearly visible in the sky and people are urged to 'just look up' to show they're being lied to the President launches a counter campaign telling them 'don't look up'. Well worth a watch this has some good sci-fi scenes and a great cast including Jonah Hill as the President's son and chief of staff, Timothée Chalamet, Ron Perlman and Himesh Patel.

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Good premise, but boring, too long and zero genuine satire - Don't Look Up review by AB

Spoiler Alert

I was promised a lot, but this film delivered a plie of manure.

Was forced to watch at my older sister's place (she turns off the guest wifi so you don't have much choice!, and I was brought up not to be rude to my host).

The first 15 minutes were great, just what I'd expect for an Extinction Level Event movie where there is some hope!

The last 10 minutes (before the end credits) were fine, just what I'd expect for an Extinction Level Event movie where there is no hope whatsoever!

Seeking a Friend For The End of The World is just as good

The rest (over 90 yes NINETY minutes) was a pile of brown smelly social media cliches trying (and failing) to be parody!

What were the some of the actors thinking when they signed up for this!.

1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.

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