Rose Red follows the story of Joyce Reardon, a discredited professor of psychology, who leads a psychic investigation into reported supernatural activities within a mansion named Rose Red. She recruits a team of specialists each with paranormal specialities, which includes Annie Wheaton, an autistic teenager with telepathic and psychokinetic abilities, who Joyce is convinced is the human key which will unlock the spirit of former owner Ellen Rimbauer and reveal the hidden mystery of Rose Red, a mystery which if solved could redeem her career. Also accompanying the team is Steve Rimbauer, the last of the Rimbauer dynasty and current owner of Rose Red, who hopes to disprove the myths surrounding the mansion in order to sell the property. For a made for TV mini series 'Rose Red' is exceptionally good, with high production values, some great special effects and a clever story which twists, turns and includes several intricate subplots. The characters are well formed and have real depth, and as the story progresses not only do the motivations of each character come to light, but you also witness experiences within the house progressively changing their personalities, the best being Joyce Reardon's gradual transformation from a lovable eccentric to a manipulative and obsessive maniac. Overall, 'Rose Red' is a great TV mini series, and anyone who is a fan of Stephen King or supernatural thrillers in general will enjoy it immensely.
both me and my partner enjoyed this film again it was another long one that took two nights to watch but again it was worth it