Some amusing moments that were funny, some just amusing, thankfully not many toe curling scenes. I think that the whole cast must have had a great time making this and some of the out takes must be very amusing, blue-blooded and X-rated! Oh to be an actor who gets to rub Jane Seymour's breasts in the interests of making a film! Grandma had some of the best lines in the film as well. If there are teenagers watching it, I don't really think that you could make a career out of this, but you would certainly enjoy yourself!
A hit and miss comedy that for the majority comes up trumps. I'd normally run a mile from any film with Owen Wilson or Vince Vaughn in a lead role. Yet the Wedding Crashers offers its fair share of imagination and slapstick to entertain everyone.
Funny laugh out loud in places but a bit slow and unintersting. Wouldn't recommend wasting time to watch this one.