Would Edward?
- The Equalizer review by Schrödinger's Cake
I really wasn’t sure what to expect when I sat down to watch this, and consequently I ended up being pleasantly surprised. Although the script offers little new (hey, why bother writing original material, when you can recycle the old ad nauseam) both Denzel Washington and Chloë Grace Moretz put in performances that are enjoyable to watch.
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Unexpectedly good
- The Equalizer review by RT
Being old enough to remember Edward Woodward, I was a little prepared to dislike this film. However, Denzel Washington is brilliant in the role. I thought he brought quite a reluctance and sadness into what he was doing, which really distinguished this film from the current crop of geriatric-revenge pap (eg the Taken series and the various copycats - we all hoped that genre had ended when poor old Charles Bronson turned up his toes). So, see it for Denzel's performance alone, if not for anything else.
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good example of this type of film
- The Equalizer review by AndyM
I suppose it is every man's warrior fantasy to take on all the big bad nasties, and win in spectacular fashion. What makes these films succeed or not, for me, is whether or not I can relate to the central character. The hero must have a certain calm dignity honesty and integrity. They must have efficiency in martial arts but not on enjoyment of violence. The final ingredient is a just cause of some kind for the hero's Crusade. The final ingredient of the fantasy is usually a beautiful and adoring woman, or in this case mildly appreciative woman. This film certainly ticks all the boxes with a subtle script, and good acting without too much reliance on non-stop action. I have no idea how the film would appeal to women viewers: it would be interesting to read their views.
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Makes most of the others look like boy scouts
- The Equalizer review by AS
Washington is perfect as the quiet, book-reading loner who turns into a merciless killing machine. Fast-paced narrative with enough introspection to keep from running out of control. No loud intrusive music. Not much profanity. Violence with style. 'Equalizer2' would be welcome.
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A great & surprisingly profound 1st film, with brilliant performances by Washington & Moretz
- The Equalizer review by TB
Denzel Washington is a stalwart of cinema & the screen. Since the beginnings of his career in the early 80’s, which then exploded at the end of that decade with his Oscar win for Glory, he has built a reputation as a brilliant actor, even in the films which were misfires. But it was only in 2014 that he was finally persuaded to take part in an action film with the potential of it turning into a franchise/series. However, he has chosen wisely & this is not a simple case of taking the cheque & starring in something rubbish. For starters, he is reunited with his frequent collaborator Antoine Fuqua & also with a great cast including Chloë Grace Moretz & Martin Csokas. And he also has a great script, which importantly & actually quite rarely for an action picture, really allows time for character building to be done.
Robert McCall is a retired US Marine & DIA officer. He has left his life of espionage, combat & violence behind him and now works a menial job in a hardware/DIY store. It is also shown in subtle ways the enormous internal pain he goes through, a combination of PTSD & loss, the latter being the premature death of his wife after he left the military. One side-effect of this trauma is his inability to sleep, meaning he spends a lot of time reading at an all-night diner. Over time, he strikes up a friendship with a Russian prostitute called Teri & they bond. However, one night Teri is confronted by her pimp in front of McCall, then later ends up in hospital after being savagely beaten. McCall then begins to wage a 1 man war against the Russian mafia.
There is a huge amount to like in this film, especially the work of Washington, Moretz and Csokas. Denzel’s ability to command the scene is used to perfection here, whether it is the trauma of trying to deal with the nightmares and visions inside his head, or his fury at seeing a vulnerable woman being disgustingly exploited. Moretz also does great work, really making a profound impact with what is often treated as a story point to give the hero the reason to start his crusade. As noted on the special features, Moretz spent considerable time talking with prostitutes in order to fully inform her performance. One of the other reasons for the impact is, as I mentioned earlier, the fact that we are allowed to spend a decent amount of time with her as a character. And rounding this up, we have Marton Csokas as Teddy, although in no way is he a cuddly bear or harmless. A monster in human form, he is sent by the head of the Russian Mafia to clean up, following the initial attacks by McCall against the pimps who harmed Teri.
The subsequent story, where McCall slowly eliminates everyone connected with the Mafia, leading to the big showdown, is great. And the whole film itself is really good as a whole as well. Direction is good, music/soundtrack great & stunts brilliant. It also nicely lays the ground for part 2, which is just as good.
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good thriller worth watching
- The Equalizer review by CP Customer
Very good thriller , well made and very well acted. He comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. He fights back against Russian gangsters to help a young girl he met that is caught up with the Russian gangsters and needs help to be free from them . Thats when the Equalizer steps in to help.
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It was ok
- The Equalizer review by CP Customer
On the plus side very atmospheric and great acting from Denzil Wahington. It creeps along very slowly for the first 30 minutes and some viewers may give up through boredom. When it all kicks off, there is the usual action stuff. Sadly, Mr McCall (the equaliser) has no depth to his character so one is left with just another shoot em up flick. I seem to remember Edward Woodward played this role on tv back in the day - and the scripts then were far superior.
1 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Good Solid Action Thriller
- The Equalizer review by GI
A very entertaining action thriller that fits the pattern of similar films like the Bourne series and more specifically Taken (2008), where the narrative follows an unassuming guy who happens to have a 'special set of skills'. So whilst this doesn't really offer anything particularly different it boasts Denzel Washington who gives the main role some carefully crafted detail and the action sequences are done with commitment and panache. Based on an 80s British TV series this follows OCD suffering McCall, a quiet and kind man who works at a Boston DIY store. He helps his colleagues but lives a life based on a set routine and his past is a mystery. When he befriends a local prostitute his past is awakened when she is badly beaten by the Russian gangster who is her pimp. McCall was a special forces covert operative and decided years ago to drop off the radar and when he kills the gangster his boss sends a ruthless enforcer to find out who is behind it. The story builds to a great climax, the violence is gruesome and yet grittingly exciting and sets itself for the inevitable sequel. Great adult fun and an all round solid action thriller.
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Beautiful multi-layered actioner
- The Equalizer review by Alphaville
Top-notch action thriller from director Antoine Fuqua and star Denzel Washington. To begin with the film has a wonderfully underplayed atmosphere as ex-agency man Denzel works in a DIY store and spends his evenings reading books. Fuqua’s fluid camerawork and the lush score add to the appealing laid-back ambience. Then baddies appear, including one brutal Russian baddie so well-played by Marton Csokas that you can’t wait for him and Denzel to square off. Denzel has hidden skills, you see. You don’t want to mess with either of these guys. Cue great action rising to a rousing climax. Followed by an equally absorbing sequel.
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