Great special effects.
The editing could have more discipline,twenty minutes too long.
Jack Black was a good choice.
It's rare that such an old film as the original King Kong is still watchable today, but it is. So the fact this remake is as enjoyable to watch AND includes a very beliveable Ape is a remarkable acheivement, hats off to Peter Jackson and smeagle!
Like George Lucas, Peter Jackson was a promising director before he got side-tracked into playing with cgi. Making Kong more realistic merely highlights the ridiculousness of the tale. At least a man in an ape suit or a Godzilla suit is fun.
When it comes to the mawkish climax on the skyscraper, which goes on forever, you’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh. The equally risible score will you off orchestral schmaltz forever. Acting kudos to Naomi Watts for keeping a straight face. If you insist on seeing a Kong film, stick with the original or watch the superior 1976 John Guillermin version.