This superior political thriller was originally a hugely influential and groundbreaking BBC series at the time of its original broadcast. Now we have the Hollywood treatment, with many aspects being condensed or excised to allow a reasonable running time of two hours. The end result remains surprisingly enjoyable and thrilling. Of course the whole environment has been uprooted to Washington DC, and while its sad to see another British idea transplanted, Kevin MacDonald has done a tremendous job. Russell Crowe is excellent as the grizzly reporter, caught between loyalties to his friends and those of his profession. Ben Affleck despite some criticism suits the clean-cut ex-military hero, turned congressman. As Cal, Crowe slowly pieces together random murders with a pending scandal that looks set to shock the political scene on the hill. Helen Mirren is underplayed as the ruthless newspaper editor, with Rachel McAdams arguably in her breakout role as a blogger turned proper reporter. State of Play is thoroughly recommended, it harks back to an era of classic thrillers that relied on the storyline (with accompanying twists) rather than any lavish stunts, explosions or bedrooms scenes. This makes it extremely refreshing, especially as it shows how to adapt a television series without alienating what made it popular originally.
Russell Crowe is a seasoned journalist working for a leading newspaper. He uncovers a dark plot full of surprises centred on a US congressman (B Affleck), who is also a friend of his (going back to his college days). R Crowe has to work with a young, inexperienced female journalist, played with conviction and charm by a very expressive Rachel McAdams.
The film is full of tension and suspense. It is interesting, not so much in terms of what it reveals regarding the world of American politics, but in relation to the way that investigative journalism works, and why it matters -- in our world swamped with commentary, opinions and blogs, where the facts take a back seat and the demanding work of cross-checking hard facts is being lost or neglected.
I recommend this movie, which is captivating on many levels.
I try hard to avoid anything that includes Helen Mirren but I was told that this US tribute to the original BBC version was well worth a watch. And so it was, including an unexpected ending which concluded with the simple use of newspaper headlines to show us the aftermath of this investigation, nice touch.
So, apart from the unwelcome presence of HM, I thoroughly enjoyed this one & I hope you do too.